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brain wave 1.靈感,靈機,妙想。2.【心理學】腦波。

“ getting hot is a real problem because when our brain heats up , the brain waves are more like when you ' re really sleepy . everything feels harder . 炎熱的天氣確實是一個問題,因為當我們的大腦變熱時,腦電波的狀態就會跟困倦欲睡時差不多,一切都會更加困難, ”司萊文特說。

The goal is the “ awakened “ brain wave pattern see picture 1 - e in which one produces beta , alpha , theta , and delta waves together in the right proportions and relationships with each other 最終目標則是達到醒悟的腦波類型見圖1e ,其波彼此之間有恰當的比例與關系。

After verifying that the recordings were indeed recording from the brain , and were not artifacts of muscle or scalp , scientists began to study these “ brain waves “ 在證實這些記錄確實是大腦活動而不是肌肉或頭皮運動的產物后,科學家們就開始了對這些“腦電波”的研究。

“ brain wave communication “ is planning to offer a collection ( 2cdr ) as the name of “ bwc “ . everybody is welcomed “腦波交流”計劃出一套同名專題的聲音藝術(實驗噪音) 2cdr合輯,歡迎有興趣的朋友積極參與。


“ getting hot is a real problem because when our brain heats up , the brain waves are more like when you ' re really sleepy . everything feels harder . 炎熱的天氣確實是一個問題,因為當我們的大腦變熱時,腦電波的狀態就會跟困倦欲睡時差不多,一切都會更加困難, ”司萊文特說。

The goal is the “ awakened “ brain wave pattern see picture 1 - e in which one produces beta , alpha , theta , and delta waves together in the right proportions and relationships with each other 最終目標則是達到醒悟的腦波類型見圖1e ,其波彼此之間有恰當的比例與關系。

After verifying that the recordings were indeed recording from the brain , and were not artifacts of muscle or scalp , scientists began to study these “ brain waves “ 在證實這些記錄確實是大腦活動而不是肌肉或頭皮運動的產物后,科學家們就開始了對這些“腦電波”的研究。

Our brain waves however , produce only 8hz . therefore , the body is exposed to up to 20 times higher frequency patterns than it is generally used to 因此我們便暴露于正常的十多倍的高頻率層面上,這樣的結果就形成個人的神經質、失眠和缺乏集中力。

On 14 dec , immediately after the opening ceremony of the 2 - day workshop , prof . freeman will depict the nature of the brain wave that is generated in any activity 研討會首天(十四日)開幕禮后,菲教授會詳細探討腦部在操作時所產生的腦電的性質。

The author provides many suggestions for getting in touch with those brain wave states that we have not yet fully penetrated in our own practice 為了讓我們更深入修行中所還沒有完全進入的腦波狀態,作者提供了大量的建議,似乎是很有幫助的。

Many people know about the existence of brain waves . different brain waves are produced under different conditions . the wave is closely related to endorphins 大家都知道有所謂的腦波存在,在不同的思考狀態下會呈現出不同的腦波,其中一種

One study found that spiced apple had relaxing effects , as measured in brain waves , within five minutes of a subject ' s smelling the fragrance 有一項研究表明,香蘋果有令人放松的效果。這是根據人們聞到香味后5分鐘的腦電波測出來的。

They clearly identified 27 words / syllables in specific brain wave patterns and produced a computer program with a brain wave vocabulary 他們清楚的證明了27個單詞字節的特定腦電波模式并編制了一個關于腦電波詞匯表的電腦程序。

This changes the level of brain wave activity from the awake level ( beta ) to the asleep level ( alpha ) or the deep sleep level ( theta ) 這使大腦清醒狀態時的腦波活動貝塔狀態改變至睡眠層次(阿爾法)或深度睡眠狀態(太塔, ) 。

The highest frequency brain waves , beta waves , are associated with the active , conscious state of mind involved in mental processes and logical thinking 最高頻率的腦波,波:與涉及認知活動和邏輯思維的活躍意識狀態相關。

Description : a system for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby altering the subjects ' state of consciousness 描述:一個刺激大腦以展示特定的腦電波頻率并因此改變目標的意識狀態的系統。

“ brain wave communication “ is planning to offer a collection ( 2cdr ) as the name of “ bwc “ . everybody is welcomed “腦波交流”計劃出一套同名專題的聲音藝術(實驗噪音) 2cdr合輯,歡迎有興趣的朋友積極參與。

Brain wave monitors / analysers ( remote sensing ) . these newer technologies actually allow the target ' s thoughts to be interpreted 腦電波監視器/分析器(遙測) 。這些更新的技術實際允許目標的想法被破譯。

This heaviness is the main symptom of your brain waves changing from the beta to the alpha level as you enter a trance 這種沉重感是當你進入恍惚狀態時你的腦波由(貝塔)轉為(阿爾法)的主要征兆。